The Replenishment Of A Leader
Below is a discussion guide that has been adapted from Conversation #3 in Carey Nieuwhof's book, Lasting Impact. While the majority of it focuses on answer the question, "Are Our Leaders Healthy ... Really?", it ties in to the core belief that we're most healthy when there is space for God to speak to us through inspirational music that finds its motivation and encouragement founded in the Scripture.
What signs exist in your life that indicate you may be in danger of hitting a wall in your life or leadership?
What streams of replenishment need to be reprioritized in your life to prevent you from hitting a way and hurting your leadership capacity?
What signs exist in your life that indicate you may be in danger of hitting a wall in your life or leadership?
What streams of replenishment need to be reprioritized in your life to prevent you from hitting a way and hurting your leadership capacity?

are_our_leaders_healthy_…_really.pdf |